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CMG reaches tentative deal at Thomson Reuters

Your bargaining committee is pleased to announce that we have reached a 3-year deal with Thomson Reuters.

The highlights of the deal include:

  • 2.75% increase in the first year; 2.40% in the second; and 2.0% in the third
  • Staff reduction layoffs will now be paid at the higher rate formerly categorized as a “tech change” layoff
  • The language around expenses has been amended to reflect current company practice
  • And finally, the language of Letter of Agreement #2 “On-call” for reporters remains unchanged. We have agreed that we can continue to discuss the issue, and should we reach terms that are satisfactory on both side, we may enter into a new Letter of Agreement.

We also continued to tweak the contract to correct errors and clarify the language.

Your bargaining committee is recommending this deal to the membership. You will have an opportunity to read the full memorandum of agreement before voting on the deal, and
details about when and where a ratification meeting will be held will be forthcoming.

Your Bargaining Committee:

Julie Gordon
Hyungwon Kang
Alastair Sharpe
Terri Monture, Staff rep


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