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As journalism goes, so goes democracy

By guest blogger Martin O’Hanlon
WPFD -- 13087334_1098970363487725_3753244015818983028_nOn this day, we honour our many colleagues from around the world who have been harassed, attacked or even murdered by governments, terror groups or criminal gangs. In the vast majority of cases, no suspects are ever arrested, making it a virtual open season on journalists. We must end the impunity. Even at home, we must fight any attempt to limit a free press or thwart the public’s right to know, no matter how trivial it may seem. As journalism goes, so goes democracy.

CWA delegation to the 2016 World Free Press luncheon - Ottawa
CWA delegation to the 2016 World Free Press luncheon – Ottawa

Martin O’Hanlon is the president of CWA Canada, CMG’s parent union

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