Local Committee, Minutes
CBC Toronto Local Executive Committee Meeting Minutes – December 14, 2023
•  Posted on  January 16, 2024  

LEC December 14, 2023 

10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

CMG office

311 Adelaide Street East 

Attending:  Kat McMorrow, Lara Hindle, Sarah Robinson, Andrew Parker, Annie Poulin, 

Wendy Walker, Jag Panesar, Lorne Szatmary, Jann Shreve, David Orian

Attending remotely: none

Adoption of agenda:  Jag Panesar moves, Lorne Szatmary seconds.  Passes unanimously. 

Adoption of past minutes – Oct 5, 2023.  Lara Hindle moves. Sarah Robinson seconds. Passes unanimously.

New Business


Kat McMorrow – Tells other members of Toronto LEC that if you hear about a unit that would benefit from an info session with Q&A, please let me know as I’m happy to set some time aside to do that for members, both in a group setting or individually. If members are asking you specific questions that you aren’t sure the answer to, just send them my way.

Article 46 – Language is very strong, and very specific. We should all encourage members to read through this section of the collective agreement. 

Annie Poulin  – SRC – Raises the issue that LJAC committee does not have anyone on it who are from SRC. Concerns that the committee may not understand SRC – how it works. 

Kat says she spoke with CMG CBC President Naomi Robinson, who says that they have people who they can consult. But Kat says that Annie should consider if there is someone with SRC who might be interested in joining the LJAC, and let Lara/Ines know. 

LEC meeting dates 2024

Jan 12

Feb 15 

March 7

April 11

May 9

June 6

Bargaining update 

Kat M. says 4 weeks have been completed of the 7 allotted for bargaining. 

Some good talks with Management

Team is committed to pushing through on the issues put forth by members. 

Announcement of potential job cuts is not changing the bargaining committee’s commitment to what they’re pushing for. 

Never before, has there been an announcement of job cuts, during active bargaining. 

Stewards Training update//set follow-up meeting

Kat M. – says that it’s important that we resume planning for the next Steward’s Training session. 

Kat M. says it would be ideal to have a meeting in the first week of January, to plan/prioritize work that needs to happen to plan the next Steward’s Training.


Kat M. says it is important to figure out if LEC members can organize any communication coming out of their portfolios. 

And then send/flag that to Andrew Parker so we can get that material posted to the Toronto website. 

Kat M. says let’s take some time from this meeting to the next meeting, to really lean into the portfolios and set some goals for the new year. 

AGM debrief:

66 ballots were cast on the resolutions tabled at AGM. 

At least another 40 or 50 people came through. 

CMG Holiday Party

Kat M. says it was an unbelievable amount of planning to go through again. 

We need to figure out if that many layers .. are worth the effort and budget.

Lara Hindle says it would be good to remember that the corporation hasn’t had a holiday party for a while. 

Jag Panesar says that the crew at the party were very appreciative – they said they had an amazing time. 

Holiday Breakfast

Great turnout. And people were very appreciative.

Lara notes that thanks to Annie, there were lots of SRC people. 

People had an opportunity to direct questions to Kat, about bargaining, and the December 4th news about cutbacks. 

Toronto CMG Mobilization Push

Lara says that in the new year, we’re expecting new info on the layoffs/cuts. And we’re hoping for good results from bargaining. 

Aspirations for regular CMG office hours.. For example an hour before her shift begins. 

Say 8-9am. 

Arman A. says there might be confusion around the space, and intention about what it is. 

So branding is important – a poster, a roll-up, FAQ sheets on bargaining.. 

Kat mentions that the Atrium might be a good option for a regular mobilization spot.

Producer’s Authority  – Article 34

Lara says there may be a need to have information sessions on Article 34, Producer’s Authority. 

Kat says there was a recent meeting with management where this was discussed. Management seems to have a different perspective on the issue, and how the producer’s authority should be applied. 

Meeting Adjourned:  Jag motions, Lorne seconds. Passes unanimously.

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