LEC Meeting February 15, 2024 Minutes
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
CMG office
311 Adelaide Street East
Attending: Kat, Andrew, Lara, Sarah, Dave, Lorne, Annie, Jag
Attending remotely: Wendy, Jann
Adoption of agenda: Lara moves, Dave seconds, passes unanimously
Adoption of past minutes – Jan 12, 2023 – Lorne moves, Jag seconds. Passes unanimously. Annie abstains.
Ongoing Business
Bargaining update
Kat M. mentions that she sees from all our reports that there are a lot of concerns about the lack of in-depth information from the Bargaining Committee.
Kat reminds LEC – Nothing is agreed upon, until everything is agreed upon.
There are MOUs, but nothing is set in stone, until there is a tentative deal.
Kat says the Bargaining Committee does not want to give members false hope that something is happening when it isn’t..
Kat talks about how mentally taxing the bargaining has been. Overly long days, very emotional.
A lot of people feel very passionate about the issues at stake.
Goal is to have a deal in place by next Friday – then members of the bargaining committee will go on a ratification tour, to sell the deal.
Lorne says thank-you to Kat and Jag, acknowledging all the hard work and intensity of the bargaining work.
Jag talks a little about the bargaining style – overall it’s interest based (Port Credit), rather than positional.. But there is a mix of both.
Kat mentions that the Bargaining Committees will be discussing AI next week.
Layoffs/cuts update
Kat talks about tension on the floor. When are the layoffs coming, how will it affect me?
Am I covered under Article 46?
Kat reminds us about the management’s position that it will be a trickle, rather than a flood.
Kat says at this point, she’s not aware of more redundancy notices.
Kat reminds us to tell members that people who are concerned, can reach out.
And that we have very strong language in Article 46.
Andrew asks about management’s moves to protect the strides made on a more diverse workforce.
Kat says that in the corp, ‘community engagement’ jobs have been created – CBL role, and Brampton pop-up bureau. Some of the job qualifications have been adjusted, to ensure that those roles go to individuals who reflect those specific communities.
Good to remind members that their CMG seniority dates will apply.
Kat talks about if there are any members in your area that might be asking about whether there are any incentives for people nearing retirement, then please forward their names.
Those names are being collected by Kat, for forwarding to our senior staff rep, for potential later use.
Kat says that she will keep the LEC up to date about any regional staffing/redundancy notices.
Pension Surplus update
Kat says it’s stage 2. Everything is going as smoothly as possible. Retirees have signed off.
Members are asking about ballpark figures. How much will I get?
Amounts depend on so many variables, for each member.
Kat says it may still be 2 to 3 months, at this point.
Also that 2023 appears to be in surplus. So the entire process may need to be completed again.
Wendy asks about the payout – in the event of the size of the payout, is there a possibility of being done in two payouts.
Jag asks about whether it can be used to apply to an RRSP. It depends on how much RRSP space people have to make contributions.
Kat has made a note of various questions – regarding financial details – to be asked at the next BEC meeting.
Stewards Training update
Due to sickness, bargaining committee obligations, and regular workload, stewards have been busy in the past month.
Also, there was talk at the last meeting, about office hours for stewards.
Communications update (website/social media/LEC calendar/comms committee)
Andrew gives us an update on the meeting with the web designer, to discuss potential revamps of the CMG Toronto local website.
Arman says we have an information distribution problem. The inclination is to go to the main webpage, but it’s hard to pinpoint new info on that site.
Updating the webpage is not a very high priority for Arman.
Kat says that the priority is low. It’s functional enough, given the financial constraints.
Wendy mentions that the optics right now, don’t look good right now. But that clear communication is important, so we should revisit it in 6 months.
Motion to BEC update
Kat says one of the BEC members was able to draft some language around Israel-Gaza, and the membership.
Kat reads the passage drafted by the BEC.
New Business
CMG Mobilization Push (stickers/digital graphics)
Kat says we’re asking shows to wear green stickers to reflect the push towards the period of bargaining for a wage increase.
Please encourage members, who are interested, to wear the stickers, and distribute them.
Temp Committee Social Funds
Arman speaks about the importance of supporting temp members, with a social event.
Especially as we move towards an end of fiscal/March function.
Possibly offer a free drink and a snack. Encourage members to share their thoughts, and reflections about where things stand.
Kat thinks it’s important to have these regular events – but that it’s also important that we have as many LEC members attend these events. To tap into the temp membership, and let people know that there’s an LEC committee working on their behalf.
Kat feels that we could easily dogear $400.00 to this event, and discuss how to fund regular events like this in the future.
Kat/Andrew suggest that there might be efficiencies at The Pint, for having semi-regular events, where a table for 20 can be booked.
MOTION: $400.00 – For a Temp Social next week. February 21st.
Jag puts forward the motion. Dave seconds the motion.
Passes unanimously.
Temps AL issues
There have been issues around how much AL that temps had accrued.
And there have been clawbacks of AL. For some members, this can mean their AL banks being cut in half, lost altogether. Others have ended up in the negative.
Please refer them to staff CMG reps.
CWAC scholarships
Kat reminds everyone about CWA Canada scholarships. Post secondary training for members and family. Kat provided a link to the poster, in her report.
The winners will be announced at the CWA Canada meeting in Moncton, in April.
Kat also mentions that there are $500.00 scholarships available for anyone who gets a redundancy notice.
President’s Council “scholarships”
Kat says that there are scholarships available for the President’s Council of all 27 CBC location units.
In the last week of May, in Muskoka.
There are scholarships for people besides presidents, to go as observers, and get a sense of what happens at this meeting.
Meeting is taking place at the Bayview Wildwood resort, near Orillia.
Care Committee
Kat mentions that if any LEC members hear about anyone in their departments who are going through any personal/family issues, then the Care Committee can organize a card or flowers.
Let’s talk about the next 3 months!
Kat mentions she thinks it’s important for us to be planning what events that we want to be prioritizing to put out notices about – whether it’s Black History Month, Women’s Day, May Day, or Indigenous People’s Day.
Motion to end meeting: Lara moves, Dave seconds. Passes Unanimously.
Tags: LEC, local executive, minutes