Local Committee, Minutes
CBC Toronto Local Executive Committee Meeting Minutes – May 9, 2024
•  Posted on  September 19, 2024  

LEC Meeting May 9, 2024 Minutes

10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

CMG office

311 Adelaide Street East 

Attending:  Kat, Annie, Dave, Andrew, Arman, Sarah, Lorne

Attending remotely: Lara

Cannot attend:   Wendy, Jag

Call to order: 

Adoption of agenda:  Lorne motions, Dave seconds. Passes

*Adoption of past minutes (March 7 + April 11)

Lorne motions, Dave seconds. 

Andrew abstains from April 11 / Passes unanimously 

Ongoing Business


  • Great branding. The mousepads were a hit! 
  • 2200 members in Toronto, so even if a quarter of the employees showed up, we gave away 600 cookies.
  • Kat mentions the importance/benefit of walking the floor during the event. Not effective to have 11 LEC members at the table, for the whole time. 
  • Discussion about getting a stand-up banner – for CMG 
  • Annie mentions the need for a system to know which parts of the floor have been walked, and members have been talked to. 
  • Lara suggests that the Excel doc is specific about which floors people will be walking.
  • For Ice Cream day, Kat suggests that everyone walk the floor at the same time – for the two hours.
  • Annie suggests setting up a Whatsapp or Signal group.. To communicate where people are walking in the building.

MOTION: LEC agrees to spend up to $400.00 for a stand up ‘CMG Toronto’, branded banner.

Arman moves, Sarah seconds. 

Passes unanimously

* Lara will look into prices at Print 3 / Cavan. 

* Lara will follow up with Cavan about a receipt for the mousepads.


Andrew suggests we declutter the office. Possibly get some shelving.

Overall interest and agreement that it would be beneficial to throw out some of the old, and see what we have in the office.

Lorne & Andrew will take a release day to clean the office.

WFH DISCUSSION – and how it is changing the CBC culture.

  • Kat expresses qualms about taking a stand around being in the office, versus WFH.
  • Possibly a campaign such as “We welcome you back” .. 
  • Arman mentions that the number of teams that have the WFH flex, is decreasing, and it’s tightening up. 
  • Kat mentions that the digital team remains 3 days WFH. 
  • Kat raises the value of ‘Mapping the Floor’ – having a better handle of where people are working in the building, and where the Union support is situated.
  • Lara feels there is value in this, and perhaps we start with an area that we know well.
  • Arman is interested in leading this project.. But he would need to be released, and that is problematic without some lead time. But September releases would be doable.
  • Potential for other members being released, and walking/working on this with Arman.

MOTION: To look ahead to starting this project in September, and allocate release days for Arman to lead this project.

Annie moves. Andrew seconds it. Passes unanimously.

Lara wonders whether they may be an existing departmental map of the building?

Kat will check it out at the next Branch meeting.

Kat says this project could be a great chance for people to sign their CMG cards. Glenn with CMG says there are still 600 people who haven’t signed their cards.

Kat also mentions that for CWA convention purposes, those 600 unsigned members are not counted towards our overall membership, and if they were signed, then CMG could send 2 more delegates to the National convention.

ICE CREAM DAY PLANNING Ice Cream Day checklist

Sara has kick started this.. Booked the Ice Cream man. 

Kat is working through the ‘multiple channels’ for IR approval, for time to work through the red tape.

Andrew will put through the LEC releases for June 13th.


July 11th has been selected for the next training. 

Communication will be sent out. 

As some people may not be available in July, the hope is to have another training in September. 


(website/social media/LEC calendar/comms committee)

Andrew will coordinate with each LEC member about content for the CMG Toronto website.

Arman mentions confusion for temps around upcoming work, and so called guarantees for shifts. It’s tough to have to say to people that management has lied to you. 

Kat notes that there should be accountability around this .. and holding managers accountable.

Reminders about the LEC calendar – and how the more stuff we put in there..

New Business

Vacant LEC Director position – Director of Human Rights, Equity and Diversity

Nomination period expired last night. 

Acclaim Myriam Eddahia into this role. 

Kat mentions that there is a lot of opportunity, and potential with this position. It affects everyone. All members. Kat notes that for someone coming in with great energy and motivation to tackle injustice, it’s great to have this new energy. An opportunity to have someone tip their toe in for the rest of the year. 

MOTION: To accept her nomination form, and accept her into the position. 

Annie moves, David seconds. Passes unanimously.


Kat mentions that the President’s Council is coming up. A meeting to connect the 27 presidents from across the country, plus CMG bargaining committee, plus scholarship recipients.

Lots of discussion about future direction for the CMG, and brainstorming about how to communicate the importance of the CBC, and public broadcasting in Canada.

Kat encourages everyone to think about what they might need in their portfolios. 

Annie mentions that there is an SRC breakfast – May 27th, just after the President’s Council. 

Also SRC Toronto is putting together some one/two pagers on changes in the new CA. 


Table officers, directors, chief stewards

Motion to end meeting

3:35 – Arman, Lorne, passes unanimously

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