Official Minutes
Meeting Minutes: Friday, June 19, 2020 — 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Location: via phone
Present: Lynne Chichakian, Ines Colabrese, Matt Guerin, Naomi Robinson, Julian Uzielli, Wendy Walker, Lorne Szatmary, Joe Fiorino, Natasha MacDonald-Dupuis, Olena Sullivan, Brent Cousland, Vish Gajadhar, Krista Joliffe.
Meeting begins at time 10:05 AM
A motion to adopt agenda as is – moved by Lorne, seconded by Julian, passed unanimously.
A motion to adopt May 1, 2020 minutes as is – moved by Ines, second by Olena, Vish & Krista abstain, passed unanimously.
A motion to adopt May 28, 2020 minutes as amended – moved by Krista, second by Lorne, Vish & Olena abstain, passed unanimously.
Anti-Racism Activism
- This has been a big issue since May 28 and there has been a plethora of quite organic and fervent action and conversations in all parts of the CBC.
- LEC to connect members to the JEDI working group to coordinate voices.
- Wendy shared the efforts from the CMBR department.
- Julian shared the efforts of the Temp committee.
- A temp activist group has identified what they as issues of systemic racism at the CBC.
BIPOC Members
- Discussion of new hires having no voice due to the precarious nature of their temp work.
- Discussion of bias towards BIPOC journalists and writers from white editors, managers, etc.
- Discussion regarding the JSP and shutting down of viewpoints that are seen as subjective and not objective.
- Discussion is about employee retention through promotion.
- Discussion about lack of exit interviews, especially if someone cites racism as reason for quitting.
- Discussion of BIPOC representation in other departments than News and their writers.
Parents During COVID
- HR has put all the Parents WFH information on one spot on IO.
- Execs and Seniors have been reaching out and making more of an effort to support parents.
- Erin Silverman has started a radio Parents meeting on Monday, July 6 at noon. If you know of parents who are struggling, reach out to Erin to join the meeting or see if they want to make their own collective.
- An email is going to all members with results of the Pandemic Survey.
Parking Reimbursement
- Parking reimbursements have come to an end in most departments.
- The Convention Centre might continue parking and may put in a reduced rate. Check with them for updates.
.1 Percent Fund
- The .1 Percent Fund is held by an alliance of unions and was put together to help pay for new drugs so members could access it when costs were prohibitive.
- Due to complications beyond CMG’s control, it cannot be accessed during the pandemic.
- We will continue to press for updates on access.
LEC Roles/ Descriptions & Fall Election Prep
- Changes to the roles and descriptions as per the AGM. A blurb of each directorship will be posted on the website in July.
- Education & Mobilisation
- will be part of VP role
- Communications
- will be part of Secretary role
- Director – New Members
- Will change to “New Members & Precarious Workers”
- Director – HR, Equity & Diversity
- Director – SRC
- Director – Health & Safety/Wellness
- Education & Mobilisation
Executive Director
- NEC has hired an Executive Director that is an independent contractor in a supervisor and consultation role.
- The management committee still manages issues and there is no financial structure change. This role has been recommended since 2016 and other Canadian unions have this role.
- Winning candidate was Enrico Defrazio who was an east coast rep. He starts immediately and is moving to Toronto.
Ice Cream Day/Freezie Friday
- Tentatively scheduled for Thursday, July 23, 1-3pm pending OK from IR.
Danger Pay
- CMG continues to bring this issue up and, after getting a no for danger pay, has tried to pivot and ask for extra days leave for members. Talks continue.
Member Training
- Information is up on LinkedIn Learning in both English and French on the website in the Links and Resources section.
Pride Plans
- The Pride post went up in English and French.
- President’s Report (NR) sent via email
- Secretary’s Report (OS) sent in via email
- Temp Report (JU) sent in via email
- VP Report (WW) report via email
- Health & Safety Report (BC) sent in vial email
- Education & Mobilisation Report (IC) sent in via email
- SRC Report (NMD) sent in via email
- Stewards Report (KJ, VG, LS)
- Treasurer’s Report sent in via email
2020 LEC Dates
- July 23 (Thursday)
- September 18 (Friday)
- October 20 (Tuesday)
- November 17 (Tuesday)
- December 3 (Thursday)
Motion to adjourn – moved by Lorne, seconded by Krista, passed unanimously.
Tags: anti-racism, COVID, LEC, minutes