CBC TORONTO LOCATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes: Thursday, July 23, 2020
•  Posted on  October 4, 2020  

Official Minutes 

Meeting Minutes:  Thursday, July 23, 2020 – 6:00 PM-7:00 PM

Location: via phone


Present: Lynne Chichakian, Ines Colabrese, Matt Guerin, Naomi Robinson, Julian Uzielli, Wendy Walker, Lorne Szatmary, Joe Fiorino, Natasha MacDonald-Dupuis, Olena Sullivan, Vish Gajadhar, Krista Joliffe. 

Regrets: Brent Cousland

Late: Natasha MacDonald-Dupuis.


Meeting begins at time 6:00 PM

A motion to adopt agenda as amended — moved by Ines, seconded by Lynne, passed unanimously.

A motion to adopt June 19, 2020 minutes as amended — moved by Krista, second by Lynne, passed unanimously.


NR Survey Results

  • Survey put together by BEC about issues working during COVID from May 21-June 1: 579 responses in total — 523 English, 56 French with 13 pages of comments.
  • Synopsis of survey result to be shared with employees at upcoming Town Hall.
  • The high level results were presented to management and CMG will have a look at the issues raised by the results.

PDD Online Workshop

  • Doing an online workshop for the PDD in September when the new PDD conversations begin.
  • Date TBD.
  • Wendy moves that we pay 1 release day to prep a PDD workshop: second Matt, passed unanimously.

LEC Best Practices

  • Any cost of more than $100 that doesn’t get discussed in full committee and needs to be decided on before the next meeting then 4 table officers have the ability by majority vote to OK that expense.
  • Have a discussion about online and cyber security at the next meeting.
  • Be it moved that the LEC cover costs for the recent purchase made online on July 14th: Krista moves, Matt seconds, Olena and Wendy abstain, motion passes.


LEC Roles and Descriptions/Fall Election Prep


Ice Cream Day

  • Ice Cream Day was a big success and we gave out 198 cones to the employees working on-site during Covid.
  • 150 more staff will be coming back to the office with Phase 2. We will book another Ice Cream Day in September. Minimum of 300 cones.


  1. Health & Safety Report (BC) sent in vial email

2020 LEC Dates

  • September 18 (Friday)
  • October 21 (Tuesday)
  • November 17 (Tuesday)
  • December 3 (Thursday)

Motion to adjourn – moved by Vish, seconded by Natasha, passed unanimously.

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