Official Minutes
Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020 — 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Location: via Google Hangout
Present: Lynne Chichakian, Naomi Robinson, Lorne Szatmary, Wendy Walker, Ines Calabrese, Joe Fiorino, Olena Sullivan, Vish Gajadhar, Krista Jolliffe.
Regrets: Julian Uzielli, Matt Guerin, Brent Cousland
Late: Natasha MacDonald-Dupuis
Meeting begins at time 10:05 AM with quorum
A motion to adopt agenda — moved by Lorne, seconded by Vish, passed unanimously.
A motion to adopt October 22, 2020 minutes — moved by Ines, second by Lynn, passed unanimously. Vish and Olena abstain.
All-Staff Meeting
- CBC is giving 2 wellbeing days — all CMG members please take them before the end of fiscal. This came after CMG pushed for some sort of recognition.
- Although many staff will continue to work from home until June 2021, they still cannot take chairs home. The CMG will continue to look into this as the CBC must provide the equipment needed to work from home.
PDD Online Lunch n Learn Workshop
- The new workshop will be The ABCs of PDD (formerly known as PMSD) and will help walk members through the process of doing the PDD in the online form and use it to their best advantage.
- It is important for members to fill out their PDD forms. They are a way to record what is happening through their career history at the CBC — their achievements, goals and what options they have available at the CBC.
LEC Fall Elections and Handovers
- Thank you to all LEC members who will not be returning: Lynn Chichakian, Ines Calabrese, Natasha MacDonald-Dupuis, Julian Uzielli, and Brent Cousland. We appreciate everything you brought to the table. We have acclamations and contested races.
- Election dates to know:
- November: 4 weeks for election campaign
- November 27-December 1: Voting
- January: Handover to the new committee members
- Nominee posters can be put up on the bulletin boards in the kitchenettes and bios are posted online for those working from home.
Covid Concerns
- Some of these issues were covered in the all-staff meeting and notes above.
- There is an email regarding Covid protocols that you can refer to — if you have an area with mask issues, please refer it to the managers in that dept.
- Discussing editorial parkas for the colder months with the LJC.
Bulletin Boards
- 22 of the 25 lockable bulletin boards are now up in the kitchenettes. The blue and purple kitchenettes on 6 and the purple kitchenette on 8 are being renovated so those boards are waiting to be put up.
- Working on branding for the bulletin boards.
Holiday Party & Collective Agreement Distribution
- CMG will be sending out a holiday email in early December introducing our new LEC members and asking to see who would like a printed copy of the Collective Agreement.
- Those who wish to have a printed copy can fill out a Google form with updated contact information.
- PDF versions (English/French) of the Agreement will be available for download from the email or the website.
LJEC Update
- The LJEC team has been phenomenal in placing people, considering every single option and fighting for their rights. It’s likely we will still have very least 12 and possibly 16 people who will hit layoffs in this round.
- A shrunken version of LJEC will work past Nov. 30 to deal with 2 additional people facing layoff.
- President’s Report
- Director’s Report
- Director of Education/Mobilisation Report
- Vice President Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Secretary’s Report
- SRC Director’s Report
- Director for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity Report
- Chief Stewards Report
2020 LEC Dates
- December 3 (Thursday)
Motion to adjourn – moved by Lorne, seconded by Ines, passed unanimously.
Tags: Bulletin boards, collective agreement, Fall elections, handovers, LJEC, minutes, networking, PDD, wellbeing days, Workshop