CBC LEC Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, Sept. 28/21
Via Zoom | Notetaker: Olena Sullivan
Attending — Vish, Olena, Lyne-Françoise, Matt, Joe, Jann, Krista, Kat, Wendy.
Joining after lunch — Naomi.
Regrets — David.
Adoption of agenda with changes —
Move Committee Vacancies, Vaccine Mandates, Loss of Bystander Training & EAPs, and Back to Work to after lunch so that Naomi be included in discussions.
Moved by Joe, Krista seconds. Motion carries unanimously.
Adoption of past minutes — June 18, 2021 — motion to adopt by Kat, Olena seconds, passes unanimously.
Carmel Smyth joined us at 10am.
Carmel updates from CMG National
- Carmel provided updates from the CMG National office.
- Truth & Reconciliation Day post is coming from an APTN reporter to be shared with CMG members.
- The CMG National office will be boosting its communication to three times a year.
New Business
Committee Vacancies at LEC
- There are possible vacancies on the LJEC, Temp and Election committees.
- CMG will be reaching out to previous committee members and stewards regarding potential openings.
CMG Anti-Racism Training
- Anti-racism training provided by CMG National is mandatory for all local executive committee members.
- The CMG CBC LEC has signed up to take the training on October 20, 2021.
Vaccine Mandate
- Although the federal government has mandated vaccinations for all federal agencies, it has not mandated this at the CBC at this time.
- The CBC will survey members in October via Google Form and ask vaccination status and to upload vaccine receipts to HR.
Loss of (joint) Bystander Training and Local EAPs
- Bystander training has been replaced by mandatory new hire training rolling out this fall.
- CBC is looking into the benefits program and well being supports for employees.
Back to Work
- The CBC is not at the return to work stage at this time.
- They are encouraging more people to come back with physical distancing in place. But it has to be done safely.
- There is a push to know the timelines on SRC’s non-binary language.
AGM Planning
- The LEC will be emailing members about the upcoming AGM on December 2nd (moved from November).
- There will be a deadline of November 19, 2021 to submit bylaw amendments.
- Olena to put AGM information in the October/November newsletter.
Ongoing Business
Upcoming Events Update
- It was decided to not pursue the event on December 2 at The Pint.
- Discussion tabled for a future meeting to plan a summer event in 2022 where members can get together outside.
- The hoodies are taking longer due to Covid but they’re coming.
- They will be delivered to the CBC and we’ll figure out a distribution plan.
- The LEC will email those who requested hoodies when they come in.
Reports & Questions
- Table Officers
- Directors
- Chief Stewards
2021 LEC dates
- Wednesday, October 20 – might change
- Wednesday, November 17
- Thursday, December 2 – AGM
Move to adjourn meeting by Matt, Kat seconds, passed unanimously.
Tags: AGM, anti-racism, committees, hoodies, training, vaccine