Local Committee, News and Events
CMG Toronto – Annual General Meeting – November 16/23
•  Posted on  December 18, 2023  


On Wednesday November 16th, 2023 at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) the following three Bylaw amendments were passed unanimously (100%) by members of CMG CBC Toronto, who cast votes. 

Bylaw amendments must have at least 2/3 of the members voting in favour at the AGM.

AMENDED  Article 5.1

The officers of the Location Unit will be:

  1. A) President
  2. B) Vice-President
  3. C) Recording-Secretary/Communications
  4. D) Treasurer
  5. E) 4 Directors, one of whom will be elected from the SRC group
  6. F) 3 Chief Stewards, elected

5.2 The Executive Officers of the Location Unit are the President, the Vice-President, the Recording-Secretary/Communications, and the Treasurer.

AMENDED Article 6.3

The Recording Secretary/Communications shall attend Executive meetings of the Location Unit Executive, and shall keep full, accurate and impartial account of the proceedings of all regular or special membership and Executive meetings, and will distribute minutes of any meeting within ten working days of the meeting, and report on all correspondence and fulfill other secretarial duties as directed by the Executive, and file a copy of all letters sent out and keep on file all communications, and co-ordinate the preparation and distribution of all circulars and notices to members, and have all records ready on reasonable notice for audit by CMG or Location Trustees, and will keep electronic copies of Toronto Location Units By-Laws, Policies, correspondence, and relevant files, and preside over Membership and Executive Meetings and preserve order in the absence of both the President and the Vice-President, and on termination of office, surrender all documents and other properties of the Location Unit to the duly elected successor.  The Recording Secretary/Communications will ensure communications between the Location Unit Executive and the membership are on-going and supported. They are the de-facto chair of the Communications Committee.

AMENDED Article 7.4

The primary duties of the Chief Steward are those of a Steward. The Chief Steward will also recruit, assist, train and mentor Stewards, and ensure communication from the union reaches stewards, and that concerns brought forward by stewards are addressed. The Chief Stewards should run a minimum of 2 formal stewards training sessions annually, and encourage members to join the stewards network.

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