CMG CBC Toronto
Local Executive Council Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2023 – 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Attending: Olena, Sarah, Ines, Annie, Lorne, David, Arman, Jann
Not in attendance: Wendy, Kat, Jagjit
Adoption of agenda: Lorne moves to adopt the agenda. Sarah seconds. Passes unanimously.
Adoption of past minutes – February 16, 2023 – David motions to adopt the minutes from the February 16th meeting. Lorne seconds. Passes unanimously
Adoption of past minutes – March 9, 2023 – Jann motions to adopt the minutes from the March 9th meeting. Sarah seconds. Annie abstains. Passes.
Ongoing Business
Stewards training update
- The LEC is working on finding a date in May that works with everyone’s schedule.
May Day update
- The LEC will give out May Day cookies at the Toronto building on May 1st in the Front Street atrium and the Wellington entrance hallway between 9am and 3pm.
Staff Rep Update
- The CMG has hired two new staff representatives who are now working with members: Karren Hwang and Ryan Toews.
- LEC discussed a number of issues that have been raised with the implementation of Workday.
- Members are encouraged to continue to share issues with the LEC and also email CMG Staff Representative Wendy Martin directly.
- Preliminary results show 182 responses, down from the 280 responses to the previous survey.
- The LEC will read all the comments and work on ways to address issues and provide communications to members. Further investigation on some key issues, such as bullying, can be taken through additional surveys.
All Staff Meeting: Hybrid work environment
- Hybrid work was discussed in the March 23rd All-Staff Meeting.
- Marco Dube says the hybrid model is here to stay. Transcript and video are available on iO.
Election Committee
- MOTION: Lorne motions to add Lara Hindle to the election committee. Annie seconds. Motion passes unanimously
LEC Posters
- New posters of the LEC committee will be printed addressing the French typos and will be posted.
CMG Convention
- An email has been sent out to the delegates from the CMG NEC with details about the convention.
- The LEC will send out a reminder to all Toronto delegates to fill out their release requests and notify their managers.
- The LEC will be setting up a Zoom call for all Toronto delegates to go over convention details.
Summer events
Ice cream
- The LEC is aiming to have its ice cream day near the end of June. Options will be planned for the weekend staff who cannot make it to the truck.
- The communications committee will send out emails and notices via social media.
Summer get-together
- The LEC’s events committee is looking into a summer event for the membership for June, July or August.
Accessibility presentation
- The LEC went through a detailed presentation on how to improve our documents to make them accessible to members with disabilities.
Temporary Staff Event
- The LEC is planning an information event for temporary staff on April 26th from 5:45pm to 7:30pm.
New Business
- MOTION: Arman motions to designate Isabelle Gobeil to the Local Joint Committee. Sarah seconds. Annie is absent for the vote. Passes.
- MOTION: David motions that we move to appoint the respective co-chairs to their respective committees. Lorne seconds. Passes unanimously.
LEC reports
- Table Officers Reports
- Directors Reports
- Chief Steward Reports
2023 Upcoming LEC meeting dates
- May 23, 2023
- June 15, 2023
MOTION: David motions to end the meeting. Sarah seconds. Passes unanimously.
Tags: minutes, Stewards Training, Survey, Workday