Draft Minutes of the Toronto LEC Monthly Meeting held on April 10th, 2015
Meeting commenced: 10:05 a.m. Location: CMG Boardroom
Adopted by Vote as Amended: TBA
PRESENT: President: Naomi Robinson, Secretary: Jordanna Lake, Treasurer: Anita Adams, Kim Taylor Galway, Maureen Brosnahan, Riza Kaya, Jonathan Spence, Kam Rao, Colman Jones (by Phone),
ABSENT: Elaine Janes, Glen Guerin, Claryse Boulineau, Robert Barlow, Tony Germin.
- Adopt Agenda as amended CARRIED
- Reading of the Statement of Human Rights: Jordanna Lake
- A) Adopt Minutes from March 9th, 2015 as corrected (Moved: Kim Taylor-Galway, Seconded Anita Adams) CARRIED with 2 abstentions
B) Adopt Minutes of Emergency LEC meeting March 13, 2015 as corrected. (Moved: Kim Taylor-Galway, Seconded: Kam Rao) CARRIED with 4 abstentions
- President’s Report: (See written report submitted)
Kam Rao has joined the meeting
- Vice-President’s report: Elaine Janes. Absent
- Secretary’s Report: Jordanna Lake
- Treasurer’s Report: Anita Adams: Account balance update
Kathy Viner, new National staff rep., has joined meeting
Reports of Committees:
- Kam Rao: Advocacy
Committee agrees to postpone New Business until after the Committee Reports.
Chief Stewards Report:
- Jonathan Spence: Temp discussion. New Temp kit will be available shortly. Please poster the CA.
11:30 Kam Rao has left the meeting.
10. New Members: Kim Taylor-Galway looking for date for next meeting. See written report.
11. Communications: Colman Jones reported updated website
12. Mobilisation and Education: Maureen Brosnahan
13. Health and Safety: David Bongard submitted written report in Glen Guerin’s absence.
14. Care Committee: Jordanna Lake/Anita Adams
15. Member Support: Riza Kaya.
16. SRC Committee report. Sent in by Claryse Boulineau and read by Anita Adams.
17. Representation at Branch and The Survey:
- President recapped events of April 9 re Survey postponement and problems with using CBC email addresses.
- Proposed revised dates: CMG Survey April 14-20th
- Discussion about what to do with results and how.
18. President: Discussion re Decorum and Respect amongst members:
Motion to move in camera: Jonathan Spence, Seconded Kim Taylor-Galway:
MOTION: That we as a committee will respect each other and keep a civil tone at all times and adhere to the code of conduct deferring to the Chair who is charged with keeping the tone and tenor of meetings both in person and online.
Moved by Jordanna Lake. Seconded: Maureen Brosnahan VOTE 8 in favour one abstention. CARRIED
MOTION to come out of camera Maureen Brosnahan/Jonathan Spence
19. Kim Taylor-Galway raised concern about Jennifer McGuire’s email regarding Conflict of Interest and reporting outside work with respect to C.A. Article 12. President will check if a Grievance has been filed.
20. E-vote Protocol: President requested subcommittee meet (Jordanna Lake, Naomi Robinson and Robert Barlow) and put together a policy based on what we have now.
21. Inverted Pyramid: Raised by Kim Taylor-Galway…it was agreed that this discussion be taken to a sub-committee level to explore this topic. Kam Rao, Jonathan Spence will meet with Kim.
22. Committee discussion to decide if we deal with Agenda items 11 and 12 or defer them. Item 11 deferred to next meeting. Kim Taylor-Galway requested we continue with item 12: The release of redundancy information. Next LEC Maureen suggests we come with a list of suggestions how we would like this conveyed then our President can take to the President’s Council meeting the following week.
23. Next Meeting for LEC May 11th. Please book a room for April 22 for an hour long meeting for survey follow up.
24. Meeting Adjourned: 4:25p.m.
Minutes submitted and signed by the Secretary on TBC.