Minutes for the Toronto LEC Meeting Friday March 1, 2019
•  Posted on  April 17, 2019  

Toronto LEC Meeting: Fri. March 1, 2019


Location: CBC, room 6F301



Naomi Robinson

Thomas Cramer

Brent Cousland

Vishnu Gajadhar

Krista Jolliffe

Lorne Szatmary

Ines Colabrese

Stéphany Laperrière

Matt Guerin

Joe Fiorino

Wendy Walker


Via telephone:

Karen Tiveron



Lynne Chichakian


Meeting begins at 10:12


1.Adopt meeting agenda:

Moved: BC

Seconded: IC

Motion passes unanimously


  1. Reports:


  1. a) President (NR): report shared via email; Bruce May is back
  2. b) Vice-President (WW): performance improvement plan (PIP), PMSD, temps probation

3) Secretary: February meeting minutes shared via email

Motion to adopt February 2019 LEC minutes as amended;

Moved: LS

Seconded: JF

3 abstentions WW TC VG

Motion passes

  1. d) Treasurer (MG): shared via email




  • Be it resolved that the LEC hold no more than 10 meetings in 2019.   



Moved: MG

Seconded: LS

Vote in favour: 7

Opposed: 3

Abstentions: 1

Motion passes



  • Whereas CMG Toronto location unit represents half of CMG-CBC members,


and whereas all forms of communication are vital to an engaged and informed membership,

and whereas not all members read or receive email from CMG,

and whereas the bulletin boards will be in high traffic areas, (specifically the kitchenettes),

Be it resolved that the LEC ask the NEC to pay for the costs for new union bulletin boards in CBC Toronto.


Moved: MG

Seconded: BC

Motion passes unanimously



  • Whereas a properly educated Stewards network is the foundation of an engaged membership, be it resolved that the LEC ask the NEC to finance release days for all who attend upcoming Stewards training days.



Moved: MG

Seconded: KJ

Motion passes unanimously


  1. e) Reports of Directors, Chief Stewards:

-Education and Mobilization (IC): report shared via email

-New Members (TC): report shared via email

-Health, Safety and Wellness (BC): report shared via email.

-Temporary Employees (BC):


Be it resolved that the Toronto CMG LEC ask the CMG NEC to pay for up to 4 member release days each month for the members of the Toronto Temporary Workers Committee to research and prepare our members cases for the Committee.  

Moved: BC

Seconded: WW

Motion passes unanimously

-Communications (JF): money for protective clothing for our members working outside in winter; anonymous harassment against a member, update on temp case


Lunch 12:15-13:00


  1. New Business: 13:00-16:00
  1. Committee population


Motion to move to In camera

Moved VG

Second TC

Passes unanimously


Break 15:30-15:45



Motion to come out of camera

Moved: BC

Seconded: KJ

Passes unanimously



Motion to appoint the following to CBC location Unit local committees:


Committee name Members Alternates
PMSD Vladimir Dimitrijevic
Naomi Robinson

Ines Colabrese

Lorne Szatmary
Employment (LJEC) Rob Barlow Karen Tiveron
Naomi Robinson Krista Jolliffe
Vish Gajadhar
Matt Guerin
Health & Safety David Orian Jerome Atangana*
Dave Bongard Krista Jolliffe
Joanna Russell Muriel Draaisma
Brent Cousland Mike Pattison
Grievance Lorne J. Shapiro Naomi Robinson
Wendy Walker Vladimir Dimitrijevic
Helen Bagshaw Rob Barlow, Brent Cousland, Sujata Berry, Christine Barclay, Kaven McMaster
Harmen Meinders
Temp Nairi Apkarian Wendy Walker
Matt Guerin Ines Colabrese
Thomas Cramer Abby Plener, Daniel Buzzelli, Gillian Wheatley
Brent Cousland
Joint (LJC) Sujata Berry Kat McMorrow
Lorne Szatmary Neil Herland
Naomi Robinson Jeevan Pragasam
Jordanna Lake Lorne Shapiro
Election Vladimir Dimitrijevic


Moved: BC

Seconded: IC

Passes unanimously


  1. b) Review details of new collective agreement

Update of ratification

  • Ratification meetings will take place in Toronto on March 8th
  • There will be a ratification meeting for French Services on March 7th


Motion to spend up to $300 on food and drinks for ratification meetings in Toronto

Moved: BC

Seconded: KJ

Passes unanimously


Motion to adjourn

Moved: BC

Seconded: VG

Passes unanimously


Meeting adjourns at 18:13