Location: CBC 5th Floor 5C305
Start time: noon
PRESENT: Wendy Walker, Naomi Robinson, Matt Guerin, Neil Herland, Jennifer Clibbon, Sophie Hautcoeur, Jordanna Lake, Tony Germin, Jonathan Spence, Joe Fiorino, Mariel Borelli
Reading of Human Rights Principles: Jordanna Lake.
Adopt meeting agenda :
Moved: Jordanna Lake.
Seconded: Matt Guerin.
Motion Passes.
Reports of Officers
-Vice President’s Report
Neil Herland will not run again because of move to Montreal
-update poster campaign
“Your Guild Gets Results”
13:00 Change of Chair. From Neil Herland to Naomi Robinson who arrives
– President’s Report: Naomi Robinson
– local election issues discussed, including atrium info tables
– Holiday party update – Baton Rouge booked for Dec. 8
– AGM duty roster set
-updates of posted schedules
-cash advances for CBC travel and the system, discussions about how to improve system
-workspaces and improvements to
Treasurer’s Report: Jordanna Lake
-presents précis of 2016 Budget
Director of Communications Joe Fiorino
-ongoing renovation is making 4th floor and other areas hazardous
Effects of shift work on mental health an ongoing issue of discussion at Health & Safety
Chief Steward: Tony Germin
-discussion of various grievance issues
Wendy Walker, Director of New Members
-graphic designers and discussions about fair access to good assignments
-disappearing work
Director of Human Rights and Equity: Matt Guerin
-working on issues with large number of new hires in L&A
Societe Radio Canada: Sophie Hautcoeur
-SRC hiring again, new head of dept.
-morale better because of new jobs
Jonathan Spence, Chief Steward
-discussion of concerns about toxic work environments
-need for more bystander training
New Business
Next meeting, November 18, 2016
-ask Helen Bagshaw to come and do bystander training at Nov. 18, 2016 meeting
-December 8th is Xmas Party
–further planning needed
Motion to adjourn (Jordanna Lake , seconded by Neil Herland, passes unanimously)
Meeting ends at 4:00 pm