There is a lot you can do during this election to ensure a viable future for CBC/Radio-Canada and support CMG’s campaign to champion public broadcasting.
We are not supporting a political party in the election. Our focus is the issue: the need for a well-funded, independent, pan-Canadian public broadcaster.
Here’s what you can do:
– Post a CMG lawn sign to Champion Public Broadcasting, [Sign up to get one here:
– Attend all-candidates meetings and raise the issue of support for public broadcasting,
– Ask political candidates who come to your door about their position on CBC/Radio-Canada, and tell them that you value public broadcasting,
– Speak to friends, neighbours, and family about how this election matters for the future of public broadcasting in Canada,
– Share issue-focused updates on your social media accounts, AND
– Make sure you vote in this election. Please consider making public broadcasting a decisive factor when you cast your ballot.
In CMG’s view, all union members are free to participate in these ways in our issue-focused, non-partisan campaign.
A note about partisan activities
If you get involved in partisan activities, however, such as publicly supporting a particular political party or candidate, you must avoid making any reference to your employment at CBC. This is true for public events and social media. Members who are recognized CBC personalities or journalists must take particular care about being associated with partisan activities.
If you have any questions or concerns, or would like advice on your particular situation, please talk to a CMG representative in your location or get in touch with the national office ( at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-
– See more at: