Home / Workplace Directory / Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) / Job description review project moves into the final phase at APTN – We need to hear from you

Job description review project moves into the final phase at APTN – We need to hear from you

Since our last round of collective bargaining, we have been working with the APTN HR to review job descriptions.

We have now agreed on the basic job descriptions, and are moving into the final phase: making sure that individual job descriptions are properly classified and members are adequately trained to do the work that’s outlined.

Please review your job description, and let your branch executive know your current status. Your feedback will help us make sure your compensation and your job category reflect the work you do every day.

Doing work beyond your classification for a day or longer earns you an upgrade of 10%. After four weeks of  upgrade, you will be placed on the higher classification scale. If you’re always doing work beyond your job description, you may need to be reclassified permanently.

Here is what we want to know from you:

  • Is there a gap between your skill set and the responsibilities in your job description that would require additional training so you can do your work productively?
  • Are you doing work beyond the duties in your job description? If so, please tell us what they are.
  • Are your duties so different that your job classification does not apply to the work you do, and you feel you should be reclassified into a different job description that better reflects your work?

If you have any questions about the job description project, please contact a member of your APTN union executive or Terri Monture (terri@cmg.ca) at 1-800-465-4149.

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